Friday, May 2, 2008
The Androgynous Pharaoh? Akhenaten had feminine physique (AP)
AP - Akhenaten wasn't the most manly pharaoh, even though he fathered at least a half-dozen children. In fact, his form was quite feminine, which has puzzled experts for years. And he was a bit of an egghead.
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Scullcap- is a nerve tonic, having a mild sedative, wholesale nutritional supplements cheap shipping to canada edge. It is especially appropriate as primary nervous system tonic and relaxant for stalwart individuals who have fiery emotions that promote nerve and muscle tension. This plant is also used specifically in the treatment of seizure, hysterical states, and epilepsy, as well as for general where can i find glycine and nervous irritability and tension. It is also well used where there is nervous disorder that develops twitching, tremors, restlessness, or irregular muscular action. As a cardiac relaxant, it is useful in sedating heart imbalances caused by overactive nerves.
Valerian- is primarily a nervine tonic. It is helpful to know Valerian has a stimulating warming nature which does not work well for those who tend to have too great of a blood flow to the brain, and too great a nerve force already. Rather, Valerian, having a warming and stimulating effect on the body, is a remedy used better for a nervousness and irritability that comes secondarily to deficiency. It is best used in people with poor blood circulation in general, but particularly poor circulation to the brain and nervous centers. It is well used for anxiety, despondency, and nervousness in individuals whose face and skin look pale and lifeless, and the skin and body is cool. It is particularly useful remedy when there is intestinal tension leading to gas, cramps, constipation, or irritable bowel type conditions. For a tonic effect, it should be taken as a fresh plant extract. This plant is hypotensive and is used as a relaxing remedy in hypertension and stress-related heart problems. As a hypnotic it is well known to improve sleep quality, especially amongst those who consider themselves to be poor sleepers. Beside its wonderful relaxing effects, Valerian is also anti-spasmodic and emmenagogue, It is a suitable remedy for excessive caffeine intake.
Vitex- is a uterine tonic, which stimulates and normalizes pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone-stimulating function, and therefore acts to normalize the activity of female sex hormones. Good for PMS and recovery from taking birth control pills, painful menstruation and menopause. It is used to stabilize the ovulation cycle, and endometriosis. It helps relieves hormonally related constipation, and can assist in the control of acne in teenagers.
Willow- is an ancient analgesic remedy used for its pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory effects. It relieves the discomforts of headaches, cold, flu, fever, gout, and the buy wholesale CoQ10 enzyme and pains of all description.
Yarrow- is one of the best diaphoretic herbs, making it a standard herb for reducing fever. It is used for treating hypertension. This action is attributed to its vaso-dilating and wholesale fructo-oligosaccharides fos properties. As a tonic, its used as an astringent, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and a diuretic remedy for the genito-urinary system. It is used as a tonic in the gastrointestinal system, where it can help normalize irritated and inflamed states of the digestive tract, as its volatile oils contain similar anti-inflammatory constituents as Chamomile. Its astringent, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory properties also make this plant useful for intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids with bloody discharge, uterine hemorrhage, profuse, protracted menstruation, and leucorrhoea. It also helps relieve menstrual cramps. Used externally, it is styptic and wound-healing vulnerary.
Yellow Dock- is a hepatic liver stimulant and laxative. Its combination of liver-cleansing properties and laxative effect seems to assist the body in dealing with the metabolic wastes often associated with a low fiber, high-fat, and meat 1kg 1.5kg 5kg 500g 750g gram kilo kilogram 250g 75g 50g 25g It stimulates the flow of bile and has a therapeutic effect on jaundice when this is due to congestion. Its a wonderful alternative for treating oily and exudative skin conditions. It seems to work through the liver and bowel to help remove metabolic wastes from the blood. By improving the livers ability to metabolize wastes and fats it takes the burden off of secondary pathways of elimination, such as the skin.
As with any medications, natural or otherwise, it is always recommended to check with your physician before taking, especially if pregnant, nursing or if you have a chronic illness.
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